Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

artikel saham

Saham adalah satuan nilai atau surat berharga yang bersifat kepemilikan yang diperdagangkan di pasar modal. Siapapun yang membeli saham tersebut berarti memiliki beberapa persen bagian dari perusahaan yang menerbitkan saham tersebut. Seperti dengan pilihan investasi yang lain, investasi di saham juga ada peluang untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dan mengalami kerugian. Jadi, mengapa ada banyak orang yang mau bermain saham?
Ini dikarenakan investasi di saham bersifat high risk, high return. Dengan kata lain, walaupun risikonya tinggi, rewardatau keuntungan yang dapat didapatkan juga bisa lebih besar dibandingkan dengan investasi di tabungan, deposit dll.

Keuntungan Investasi Saham

1.      Dividen
Sebagai pemegang saham, Anda berhak mendapatkan dividen yaitu keuntungan perusahaan yang dibagikan kepara para stockholders.  Besar dividen yang akan dibagikan kepada para pemegang saham akan ditentukan pada  Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham. Namun, perusahaan dapat memilih untuk tidak membagikan dividen ketika perusahaan mengalami kerugian atau ingin memenuhi keperluan finansial  lainnyan seperti membeli perusahaan baru, memulai projek baru atau membeli kembali saham yang telah diisukan.

2.      Capital Gain
Ketika Anda menjual saham, apabila nilai jual saham melebihi nilai jual beli maka Anda akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari selisih nilai jual beli tersebut yang akan dikalikan dengan jumlah lembar saham yang dimiliki atau yang lazim disebut sebagai capital gain.

Risiko Investasi Saham

1.       Capital Loss

Kalau bisa untung, pasti juga bisa rugi. Seandainya pada saat Anda menjual saham, nilai jual saham tersebut merosot di bawah nilai beli, maka Anda akan mengalami kerugian. Apabila ini terjadi, Anda dapat memilih untuk menjual semua atau sebagian dari saham Anda untuk mencegah kerugian yang lebih besar lagi apabila nilai jual saham itu terus menurun. Atau Anda juga dapat memilih untuk duduk , mengobservasi tren saham dan mencari tahu alasan turunnya nilai jual saham dan peluang untuk nilai tersebut melonjak kembali.

        2.  Resiko Likuidasi

Analisa perkembangan perusahaan sangatlah penting karena jika Anda terus duduk dan menunggu adanya kejaiban untuk nilai jual beli yang sebelumnya telah merosot untuk melonjak kembali, Anda berisiko untuk tidak mendapatkan apapun bila perusahaan  itu bangkrut.

Oleh karena itu, sebelum membeli saham, cermati laporan keuangan dan perkembangan perusahaan tersebut.  Jangan malu-malu bertanya karena malu bertanya, uang Anda yang hilang.

artikel saham dengan bahasa inggris

Shares is the unit of value or ownership of securities that are traded in the capital market.Anyone who buys the shares means having a few percent part of the company that issued the stock. As with other investment choices, investing in shares is also a chance to profit and loss. So, why there are many people who want to play the stock? This is because investing in stocks is a high risk, high return. In other words, although the risk is high, the gains can be obtained rewardatau also be greater than the investment in savings, deposit etc.

Advantages of Stock Investment

1.    Dividends As a shareholder, you are entitled to a dividend that is distributed corporate profits kepara the stockholders. Of dividends to be distributed to the shareholders will be determined at the General Meeting of Shareholders. However, the company may choose not to distribute dividends when the company suffered a loss or would like to meet the financial needs lainnyan like buying a new company, start a new project or buying back shares that had been rumored.
2.     Capital Gains When you sell a stock, if the sale price exceeds the value of buying and selling stocks then you will benefit from the difference between the sale value will be multiplied by the number of shares owned or commonly referred to as a capital gain.

Investment Risk Stocks

1. Capital LossIf it can be profitable, must also be a loss. If at the time you sell the shares, the value of the stock sales dipped below the purchase price, then you will incur a loss. When this happens, you can choose to sell all or part of your shares to prevent even greater losses if the value of the stock sales continue to decline. Or you can also choose to sit, observe trends and figuring out the reason stocks decline in value of the stock sales and opportunities for the value jumped back.

2. Risks LiquidationAnalysis of the company's development is very important because if you continue to sit and wait for miracles to purchase the previous value had slumped to jump back, you risk not getting any when the company went bankrupt. Therefore, before buying a stock, look at the financial statements and the company's development. Do not be shy to ask for shy to ask, your money is lost.

Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

Contoh Berita Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Gayus During this agenda in Bali
 Agenda plesiran Gayus tax mafia Tambunan to Bali increasingly revealed. Police call, Gayus stay in room 5122 Westin Hotel, which cost Rp 5 million per night with his wife and children.
Not only staying for two days at the Ocean Kids Club, SCTV source in the police, on Thursday (17/11), also revealed, Gayus met a prominent party politicians over there. They met at a fish restaurant on the beach.
According to the Bali Police chief Inspector General Hadiatmoko, Gayus known to stay free escort others. "Yeah, stay two nights. Together with his wife and children," said Hadiatmoko.
Who are the politicians who referred to the General Chairman of Golkar Party Bakrie touted as the man who met with Gayus in Bali. This issue is related to Gayus statement in court that the Bakrie Group is a contributor to Gayus accounts worth Rp 100 billion.
However, to reporters, denied Bakrie meet Gayus on the island. However, he claimed to be in Bali to watch a tennis match. "The issue of it. This is clearly a political intrigue," said Bakrie.
Ical, call Bakrie, may be denied. The community please just assume that Gayus and Ical indeed met in Bali. One thing is for sure, people should still keep the consistency of the police in investigating such cases so as not influenced by any political interests.
The following information obtained related SCTV Gayus agenda while in Bali:
Wednesday, November 3
After the hearing, Gayus returned to Rutan Brimob Depok Kelapa Dua
In the afternoon, he picked up the driver and returned to his house in Kelapa Gading Park View, North Jakarta
Thursday, November 4
Gayus started his adventures to Bali. He wears a fake name Sonny Laksono. Together with his wife and son, SL Lion Air plane and stay at the Westin Hotel, room 5122.
In the evening, Gayus mentioned dinner with a wealthy businessman who is also politicians in fish restaurant, 200 meters from Gayus room, right on the beach. The location of this restaurant is out of reach of CCTV cameras.
Friday, November 5
Watching tennis
Saturday, November 6, at 2:11 p.m. to 15:30 pm
Gayus went back to watching tennis, a semifinal between Ana Ivanovic and Kimiko Date Krumm
Brimob Karutan Kompol Iwan Siswanto repeatedly called Gayus, but not connected. The driver said, Gayus went to the event invitation in Tanjung, North Jakarta
Chief of Police East General Pradopo know Gayus was not in crease. He ordered the arrest Kabareskrim Komjen Ito Sumardi Gayus.
Sunday, November 7
Gayus returned to his house in Kelapa Gading Park View, Jakut
Team Detachment 88 Gayus pick up and return him to Rutan Brimob. (Ulf)